
Our expert financial advisor takes you closer to financial freedom.

Disclosure (April 2021)

Financial advisor rotorua & Bay of Plenty

Allan Williams (FSP53541) holds a licence issued by the Financial Markets Authority to provide financial advice.

What I do

I provide financial advice and planning solutions to my clients to help them achieve their financial objectives.

I provide financial advice in relation to managed funds, direct equities, bonds, term deposits, cash and KiwiSaver.

I provide advice on a wide range of NZ and international managed investments, direct equities and fixed interest solutions.

I also provide advice about KiwiSaver solutions from Milford and Booster.

Fees and Charges

Allan Williams

  • Does not charge for initial meetings. This is an opportunity to see if there is mutual benefit in working together.
  • May charge a fee (subject to GST) for the preparation of your personalised financial plan. This fee will be discussed and agreed upon with you once the scope of the advice you require is known. This fee is payable within 30 days of presenting your financial plan.
  • Charges a percentage fee for ongoing financial planning advice and management based on the funds I manage for you. This fee is charged monthly in arrears to your investment portfolio.
  • Will discuss and agree with you on the fee for any one-off written advice before commencing my work.

Conflicts of Interest and Incentives

Allan Williams follows an advice process that ensures his and circumstances. I prioritise my client’s interests above my own. I undergo annual training about how to manage conflicts of interest.

KiwiSaver fees of up to 0.5% of the funds under management invested in KiwiSaver are paid to me by the KiwiSaver providers Milford and Booster and are included as part of the fund management fee charged by these organisations.

Allan Williams has a System and Service Level Agreement in place with Consilium NZ Limited. (Consilium) Consilium is a private company incorporated in 2012 and provides access to institutional pricing, investment advisory research, portfolio and client management systems to independent financial advisers. Allan Williams pays Consilium a fee for the services under this agreement.

Complaints Handling and Disputes

If you are not satisfied with my financial advice service, you can make a complaint by emailing allan@ploutos.co.nz or by calling 0800 756 886. You can also write to Allan at 27B Moncur Drive Rotorua 3015.

When I receive a complaint, I will consider it by following my internal complaints process.

  • I will consider your complaint and let you know how I intend to resolve it. I may need to contact you to get further information about your complaint.
  • I aim to resolve any complaints within 10 working days of receiving them. If I cannot I will contact you within that time to let you know we need more time to consider your complaint.
  • I will contact you by phone or email to let you know whether I can resolve your complaint and how I propose to do so.

If I cannot resolve your complaint, or you are not satisfied with the way I propose to do so, you can contact the Financial Disputes Resolution Service.

Financial Disputes Resolution Service provides a free independent dispute resolution service that may help investigate or resolve your complaint if I have not been able to do so to your satisfaction.

    You can contact the Insurance and Financial Service Ombudsman at –

  • Level 7 Shamrock house, 79-81 Molesworth Street, P O Box 10-845 Wellington 6143
  • Email : info@ifso.nz
  • Phone : 0800 888 202

I am required to

  • Give priority to your interests by taking all reasonable steps to make sure my advice is not materially influenced by my interests.
  • Exercise care, diligence and skill in providing you with advice.
  • Meet standards of competence, knowledge and skill set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure I have the expertise needed to provide you with advice)
  • Meet standards of ethical behaviour, conduct and client care set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services ( these are designed to make sure I treat you as I should and give you suitable advice.

This is a summary of the duties that I have. More information is available by contacting me or visiting the Financial Markets Authority website at www.fma.govt.nz

Contact details

Allan Williams FSP53541 is the Financial Advice provider
Phone: 0800 756 886
Email: allan@ploutos.co.nz
Address: 27 B Moncur drive Rotorua 3015