About Us

We provide a variety of financial advice and services.

About us

Allan Williams

I am a Financial Advice Provider providing quality independent investment advice throughout the Bay of Plenty.

I have over 30 years of experience in the Financial Services Industry, assisting my clients to reach their financial goals, I regard the funds that I manage as more than just investments in a portfolio. My client's funds represent the saving, sacrifices and dreams they have entrusted in me. I take this responsibility seriously.

Ploutos Wealth Management - Independent Financial Advice

“Born out of Ploutos the Greek God of Wealth and usually pictured in the arms of Irene the Greek God of Peace. Peace and Wealth”.

Because we do not accept any payments from any product providers or fund managers, you can rest assured that our recommendations are based on your best interests.

As an Independent Adviser, I am using consilium.co.nz to provide independent research and assist with investment strategies and analysis.

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Investment Committee

A team of dedicated investment specialists with the responsibility of applying our investment philosophy to everything we do. Meeting regularly to research, monitor and report on investments that may be appropriate for inclusion in client portfolios, Consilium provides advisers with all of the research, asset allocation and modelling tools necessary to deliver high-quality investment advice.

Investment Philosophy

Four cornerstones

Minimising costs.

Focusing only on highly liquid, highly diversified and high-quality investments.

Tilting portfolios towards academically proven sources of higher expected returns.

Avoid expensive tactical trading strategies.

CEFEX Accreditation

The strength of Consilium’s investment processes is such to have been independently certified by the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX) as achieving global best practice standards. Consilium’s investment management practices are annually audited by CEFEX to ensure that their processes and procedures remain robust and are being consistently and rigorously applied.