Financial Advice Providers in the Bay of Plenty

About Us

A small positive return can sometimes be more reassuring than a large one.

As your Adviser, I will work with you to put the correct strategy into action through a fully diversified, professionally managed portfolio that is cost-effective, transparent and smart.

Our approach to wealth management and financial planning is based on the twin disciplines of total independence and academic rigour.

We place our clients at the centre of everything we do.
The right approach to investing begins with great advice.

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We use 5 system proven steps

Our Consultative Wealth Management Process


Discovery Meeting

We examine your current situation and identify the goals you would like to achieve. We also identify any challenges you face in achieving your goals and consider how we can increase the probability you will achieve them.


Investment Plan Meeting

We present our review of your current situation and our recommendations for how we can bridge any gaps to reaching your goals. This plan forms the foundation for all of our work together.


Mutual Commitment Meeting

We are ready to make a mutual decision about whether we can add substantial value, and whether we should work together. A decision to proceed means we all commit to working together to achieve everything important to you and your family.


45 Day Follow-Up Meeting

We help you organise your paperwork in a folder that we provide. We also answer any questions you may have so that you understand exactly what is happening with your money.


Regular Process Meetings

We provide an opportunity to review any major changes in your personal or financial situation since our last meeting. If these changes mean we need to make adjustments to your Financial Plan, we do so. We also review overall progress toward your long-term financial goals. The initial Regular Progress Meeting is also an opportunity to implement advanced planning recommendations. Subsequent Regular Progress Meetings will be scheduled at intervals as agreed in the initial Regular Progress Meeting.

For more information or to make an appointment contact us.


Ploutos Wealth Management

Unfortunately, restarting the global manufacturing machine after the lockdown turned out to be anything but seamless

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As if that wasn’t already enough, a rush by provincial authorities to meet strict national carbon emissions targets, together with tight supplies of coal etc.

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One study showed that the number of food participants in the study wanted to eat was influenced by whether they first imagined being served a large or small portion.

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Key Market Movements For The Quarter

International shares

In the USA, the flagship S&P 500 Index (total returns in USD) was in line with the broad market, gaining +0.6% for the quarter. Strong company earnings supported the index through July and August, but growth and inflation concerns late in the quarter saw US shares retrace their steps in September. European markets followed a similar pattern, with weakness later in the period due to rising energy prices and concerns that supply-chain bottlenecks would drive inflation higher.

Emerging markets shares

Emerging market equities struggled in the third quarter which saw a sell-off in Chinese shares, concerns over continued supply chain disruptions, and worries over the implications of higher food and energy prices in some markets. Regulatory actions in China were the initial trigger for market weakness. These were compounded by the re-imposition of some Covid-19 restrictions, power shortages, and worries about possible systemic financial system risks stemming from the potential collapse of Chinese property developer Evergrande.

New Zealand shares

New Zealand was one of the better performing global developed share markets through the quarter with the S&P/NXZ 50 Index returning +5.2%. With underlying economic conditions still broadly favourable and the market ‘looking through’ the ongoing Covid uncertainties, it was generally the larger companies within the index which performed better than the smaller capitalisation firms. The most significant contributions came from firms in the Healthcare and Industrials sectors.

Australian shares

In spite of a September sell-off, the Australian share market also returned a positive quarter in local currency terms, with the S&P/ASX 200 Index (total return) in Australian dollars gaining 1.7%. In direct contrast to the New Zealand market, the largest capitalisation firms generally struggled over the quarter, while good returns were delivered by the mid and small capitalisation end of the market.

International fixed interest

While the US 10-year Treasury Bond yield finished the quarter at 1.49%, only one basis point higher than it closed in June, it was the pathway to get there that interested markets. Yields fell initially, as the rapid economic recovery appeared to be moderating. However, as the market's focus turned to rising inflation and the prospect of the withdrawal of monetary policy support, yields rose back to the levels seen at the start of the quarter. The Federal Reserve also recalibrated expectations regarding their ongoing asset purchase programme, suggesting they could commence a tapering of asset purchases as early as November 2021 and completed by mid-2022, earlier than originally expected.

New Zealand fixed interest

At its 18 August 2021 meeting, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) once again elected to leave the official cash rate at 0.25% however, it was only the recent return to Level 4 lockdown that deferred the anticipated increase in interest rates. The Monetary Policy Committee advised this was only a delay due to the sudden increase in health uncertainties, not a change in their planned approach. This was subsequently verified on 6 October when they announced an increase in New Zealand’s official cash rate from 0.25% to 0.50%.

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